
Summer 2023 (Volume 33, Number 2)

Regional News: Updates from Alberta

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Updates from Lethbridge
By Nathan Puhl, MD, FRCPC

2023 brings a new clinic space, but now a solo practice, as Dr. Decker has relocated to Calgary. The clinic is expanding however, with the addition of nurse Erin, and likely a rheumatic-disease trained physiotherapist. Residents are always welcome, especially if interested in learning how to start a practice.

Lethbridge continues to be a great city, and we are excited to have a new conference centre opening and possibly international flights. There are many Canadians from Ontario and British Columbia relocating to southern Alberta as well, given more reasonable housing costs, a mild climate, and access to the Rocky Mountains. Referrals are welcome for any of your patients who might be moving, or if any rheumatologist wants a change of pace, there is plenty of ready space.

Nathan Puhl, MD, FRCPC
Lethbridge, Alberta

Dr. Nathan Puhl at the new clinic space in Lethbridge.

News from Calgary
By May Choi, MD, MPH, FRCPC

Calgary has seen a wave of change over the last few years during COVID. Several rheumatology giants have departed, leaving behind big shoes to fill: Drs. Sharon LeClercq, Liam Martin, and Marvin Fritzler. We are very excited to be hosting a grand celebration in June 2023, dedicated to honouring their retirement and expressing our heartfelt gratitude for their many years of devoted service.

We welcomed a surge of enthusiastic young rheumatologists who have joined our forces in Calgary, including several from our own training program (Drs. Megan Barber, Tessa Campbell, Stuart Wiber, Eric Campbell, Hengameh Kheirkhah, Ali Shams, and Stephanie Kulhawy-Wibe) and across the country (Drs. Faranak Esmaeilbeigi, Martha Decker, Jenny Hong, Hafsah Al-Azem, Stephanie Garner, Britney Jones, and Lason Lee). The new generation brings unique skillsets and experiences that perfectly complement our team.

There has also been a leadership change with Dr. Gary Morris taking over as Interim Division Chief for Adult Rheumatology from Dr. Paul MacMullan. Dr. Steven Thomson, who won the CRA’s 2023 Emerging Teacher-Educator award, took over from Dr. Gary Morris as Program Director. We congratulate our colleagues on their new positions and wish them luck!

We are very excited that our family is growing and thankful for the road that has been paved for us by our mentors!

May Y. Choi, MD, MPH, FRCPC
Associate Professor,
Cumming School of Medicine
University of Calgary and
Alberta Health Services
Calgary, Alberta

Rheumatology Division Admin Extraordinaire Ellen Lee (left), Past Division Chief Dr. Paul MacMullan (middle), New Interim Division Chief Dr. Gary Morris (right)

Updates from Edmonton
By Stephanie Keeling, MD, FRCPC

The faces of rheumatology in northern Alberta have changed considerably since “the end” of COVID in the greater Edmonton area. At the height of COVID, we welcomed and later said goodbye to Dr. Omid Niaki, a rheumatologist and dermatology expert in one person! While many of us initially only met him virtually, he became an integral part of the division, participating in teaching and seeing complex patients. Omid moved to the lower mainland for family reasons and will be missed, especially his experience managing complex patients, including those with VEXAS.

Over the past three years, we have welcomed several newly practicing rheumatologists including Drs. Mena Bishay, Larissa Petriw, Simran Jassar, Shivani Upadhyaya, and most recently Myat Nyo. This has been exciting and important, given the recent retirements of former divisional director Dr. Joanne Homik, as well as Drs. Alex Yan, Savi Sanaratne and Stephen Aaron. Our pediatric rheumatology colleagues said goodbye to Dr. Janet Ellsworth, and we all enjoyed her amazing grand rounds highlighting her pioneering work in pediatric rheumatology at the University of Alberta. Our pediatric rheumatology group has expanded despite the loss of Janet and more recently Dr. Tara McGrath, with the group now including Drs. Daniah Basodan, Dax Rumsey, Lillian Lim and Jeanine McColl.

Edmonton has always had an excellent network of collegial rheumatologists throughout the community and hospitals, strengthened by their passion and integrity. We have also celebrated the leadership of Dr. Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert, who recently completed his 5-year tenure as Divisional Director. We welcomed our new Division Director, Dr. Steven Katz, who recently completed his term as the General Internal Medicine Program Director at the University of Alberta. The rheumatologists of northern Alberta are prepared to take on the looming health care challenges facing Albertans, inspired by the legacy of our recently retired colleagues and the fresh hopes of our newest rheumatologists.

Stephanie Keeling, MD, MSc, FRCPC
Professor of Medicine,
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

Division of Rheumatology celebration for graduating rheumatology residents and the retirement of Dr. Joanne Homik (June 2022).


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